Advanced Line Manager


The Advanced Line Manager (ALM) component is a datatable used to manage a parent record's children. This functionality is made available as a Lightning Web Component which can be added to pages and configured from the Lightning App Builder. ALM produces two types of events - create row, and row change. How these are handled can be customized, giving developers the ability to modify the target row's data. The events and handlers are Apex based due to limitations in LWC at the time of publishing.

Row Create Events

When a new row is added to the ALM an ALMRowCreateEvent is fired and can be handled by an ALMRowCreateHandler. This facilitates modification of the new row's data before it is displayed, allowing developers to set default values.

To respond to an ALMRowCreateEvent implement the ALMRowCreateHandler interface. The below example creates new Payable Lines with Date__c set to today's date.

public class YourClassName implements ALMRowCreateHandler{

  public List<SObject> createRow(ALMRowCreateEvent event){
    // create a list to hold the new Payable Lines
    List<Account_Payable_Line__c> lines = new List<Account_Payable_Line__c();
    // create the number of rows specified by createRowsCount
    for(Integer i=0; i<event.createRowsCount; i++){
      // create a new row with some default values
      lines.add(new Account_Payable_Line__c(
        Date__c =
    // return the new lines
    return lines;


ALM can be configured to used a custom ALMRowCreateHandler by setting the Row Template attribute in the Lightning App Builder. Detailed instructions can be found in the Knowledge Base.

Row Change Events

When a row is changed an ALMRowChangeEvent is fired and can be handled by an ALMRowChangeHandler. This facilitates modification of the updated row's data before the changes are displayed, allowing developers to react to the changes.

To respond to an ALMRowChangeEvent implement the ALMRowChangeHandler interface. The below example checks if Internal_Comment__c is 'One Hundred', and if so it sets the Unit_Price__c to 100.

public class YourClassName implements ALMRowChangeHandler{

  public SObject updateRow(ALMRowChangeEvent event){
    // cast the row to the correct type
    Account_Payable_Line__c line = (Account_Payable_Line__c) event.updatedRow;
    // react to changes in the internal comment field
    if (line.Internal_Comment__c == 'One Hundred') {
      payableLine.Unit_Price__c = 100;
    // return the updated row
    return payableLine;


ALM can be configured to used a custom ALMRowChangeHandler by setting the Row Change Handler attribute in the Lightning App Builder. Detailed instructions can be found in the Knowledge Base.